Regardless of size or pumping capacity it is vital that an acceptable operating environment is achieved within all pumping stations. Physical hydraulic modelling can readily assess pump performance, general hydraulics and solids retention or clearance.

Inlet work models can assess flow distribution to screen units, solids transport and possible deposition, detritor alignment and hydraulic performance throughout.

Models of this type can accurately predict flow division to screens, weir profiles and energy dissipation along with mixing characteristics for such applications.

Models of such structures can accurately predict stage discharge over spillweirs, stepped cascades, pressure measurements and general hydraulic conditions.

River models are ideally suited to assess potential flooding, any upgrades or potential new installations suchas structuresnamely bridges and weirs etc. Assessment of scour in terms of river beds and large areas of deposition throughout anticipated flow ranges can be accurately studied.

Physical hydraulic models of such structures can assess the effectiveness of energy dissipation and air transport. Techniques devised to quantify air volume at the downstream system allow comparison of proposed modifications if necessary.

Our models are constructed in clear acrylic material on a substantial timber frame with internal benching and infill fabricated in opaque plastic.
Physical modelling can accurately reproduce all significant full scale hydraulic effects such as velocity distributions, air entrainment, vorticity etc.
A physical model can quickly assess pump intake conditions for all potential pump combinations and operating levels.
A physical model offers a fast method of developing solutions.
A physical model can give a good indication as to the behaviour of debris in a system.
A physical model can readily define minimum operating levels.
In applications where development options need to be studied for various screen, pump and sump combinations a Physical Model is the best method of analysis to use.